The Winston Family

Monday, March 2, 2009

What a Blessing!

The other day I was doing a search for a chore list and I came across one that I like. The person that design the list had it listed on their blog. I was looking over the site and I saw something that looked very interesting. There was another blog and the name was Building an Ark in Singapore. The blog belong to a Christian Chinese woman that was a SAHM. She also has another blog that I even enjoyed reading more. The name of that blog is Building Up Moms. The blog is targeted towards new Moms and ones that have been a Mom for awhile. She addresses a lot of topics that Moms has to deal with everyday. I have listed the blog sites in my blog list. I'm sure you will enjoy reading them too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for the thumbs up to the 2 blogs I maintain. God bless!

Serene in Singapore