The auction was on May 28th. I was excited about selling our house, but having several hundreds of people swarming me was very overwhelming. I had a moment of breakdown. I had to cry on David's shoulders for a minute. I was so glad when it was over. The people were nice, but there were a few that were hateful. God had bless us greatly. He gave us more than we had calculated up that we needed for our property. GOD IS GOOD! If you want to see what our old house look like if will have to check out one of the older posts.
I wouldn't doubt it if a least 5 acres were filled with automobiles.
Our back yard filling up with people.
I sold all but 4 of my dolls, they were ones I had since I was a kid.
Sarah got rid of some her stuff too.
Pictures of some of the tables outside full of stuff to sale.
Another angle of the table that were set outside full of stuff that was being sold.
An empty kitchen.
Bear living room except for our recliners.
Empty kitchen and living room. A few stuff left waiting to be pickup from new owners.
My husband David and I have been happily married for 29 years. After 20 years, we closed the doors on our construction business and went full time in the ministry. My husband is a pastor of a small but wonderful country church. I'm blessed to work along aside of him and trying to be a blessing to others.
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